Lindsay Rae Intuitive Readings

Lindsay is a psychic, medium, and energy reader and healer who works with the intention of bringing love, gratitude, and healing to our world. She is interested in energy healing, meditation, quantum physics, and brain chemistry. Lindsay practices on a regular basis and has studied under Anne Babchuk, Danielle Searancke, and Myorei Zeraffa.  

Reading Services

40-Minute Intuitive Reading (Psychic / Mediumship)

40 minutes live on Zoom

Connecting with the intention to bring through what will best serve and support you, this scheduled Zoom reading provides an interactive opportunity to be present and ask questions as I tune in to your energy. 

This 40 minute reading can include mediumship (connecting with loved ones who have passed), psychic and energy reading (bringing through relevant information about you or a current situation), or messages from your guides or higher self. When booking, you are given the opportunity to indicate if there is a modality you are more drawn to. 

Because of the blending of modalities and the intention to bring through what is currently most helpful and healing to you, no two appointments are similar, even for the same person. 

Readings are by donation. Suggested donation: $44–$77 CAD
If payment is a barrier for you, a donation is not required for the reading. 

40-Minute Reiki + Psychic Reading 

10 minutes live on Zoom
30 minutes of remote energy healing
Recorded audio message

This reading provides both 30 minutes of energy healing, plus an audio recording of psychic messages received during the healing. This reading integrates a combination of my abilities and intended to serve your highest good. 

The appointment begins with a brief introductory Zoom where I connect with your energy and explain my process. During this time I will ask if there are any particular topics you wish to seek clarity on.

For the 30 minute energy healing, we end the Zoom and you can relax in your own space. It is best to be in a quiet location with no distractions, where you can close your eyes and rest.

After the session, I will email an audio recording detailing psychic and energetic impressions and messages that I received during your healing.

Readings are by donation. Suggested donation: $44–$77 CAD
If payment is a barrier for you, a donation is not required for the reading. 

30-Minute Reiki + Psychic Reading: for animals

On demand / no scheduled meeting
30 minutes of remote energy healing
Recorded audio message

Focusing on your beloved pet, this reading provides both 30 minutes of energy healing, plus an audio recording of psychic messages received during the healing. This reading integrates a combination of my abilities and intended to provide healing and insight for pets and their owners. 

This reading does not require a scheduled meeting time. You will be prompted to submit a photo of your pet, and given the option to provide a brief note about what you are seeking clarity on or healing for. 

Within 3 business days, I will provide 30 minutes of energy healing for your pet, as well as record the psychic impressions and messages that arise during the session. I will then email an audio recording detailing the messages received during the healing session.

Readings are by donation. Suggested donation: $44–$77 CAD
If payment is a barrier for you, a donation is not required for the reading. 


My experience with Lindsay Rae was so magical. She was able to so clearly connect with my brother and pass along messages that offered healing and comfort. Lindsay’s energy was so welcoming and I would not hesitate to connect with her again and again. Thank you Lindsay Rae for a beautiful experience!
—Kathryn, ON

My psychic session with Lindsay was exactly what I needed to help put my mind at ease! I've received so many confusing signs lately, she brought all of them up on her own and validated everything for me. I was so impressed that she connected with two of my Spirit guides who rarely come through, and she described their messages in clear detail which really helped me understand my path forward. Some of her predictions even came true immediately following the next day! I absolutely recommend Lindsay's readings!!


Lindsay has been an incredible source of comfort and insight for me and my two cats. Over the course of two sessions, she has distantly connected with each of them, offering them Reiki and relaying any impressions she received while in their energy. Through her gentle (yet powerful) connections, Lindsay helped me understand some of their new behavioral patterns, and I began to understand their specific preferences and stressors so I could initiate beneficial change. Both times, I noticed a new ease about them the day of the session; as if they felt rejuvenated from being listened to and pampered. I couldn't ask for a more kind hearted soul to lend a light filled hand for myself, or my pets. I will always come back to Lindsay when we are in need!

-Heather, CT 

When my darling, aging cat began to show signs of sickness, the first person I contacted was Lindsay because I knew of her ability to communicate with animals and trusted her abilities as a Reiki practitioner. Lindsay performed remote Reiki sessions for my cat and each time brought my sweet old girl immediate relief and generated what appeared to be a sense of peace in her.  Amazingly, this sense of relief and peace was also passed on to both my partner and me when Lindsay assured us that our cat knew we were doing the best we could for her.  Along with the Energy work, Lindsay prepared a recording of intuitive observations and messages she received and gave while performing Reiki - all of which was and continues to be very helpful in understanding my cat’s holistic health and emotional needs. 

–Anne, BC

My reading with you Lindsay was so incredible! I feel so honored to have been able to receive the messages you brought through and was wonderfully surprised at the spirit you connected with. You brought through things that nobody would have known, and you described him in such a thoughtful and compassionate way. The messages you shared resonated so much and they not only helped bring me clarity around a few things I needed to know, but you also shared them in a way that was so gentle and exactly how I needed to hear them. You validated me and my experiences through this reading and it's definitely a reading I will cherish for many years. You have such a wonderful gift, I truly felt like my loved one was sitting right beside you. You received things that are such a deep part of my life and practice, and that rarely only comes through mediums who have such a deep connection. It was honestly a reading that left me in awe of both the world of spirit, and of you and how in-tune you are. Thank you so much for your time and energy!

Kristen, OR

Lindsay has an extremely calming energy. Her reading brought through many validations and encouragement for me. Lindsay connected to a childhood friend who had passed and was able to provide heartwarming messages and support. I felt at ease in her company and knew that I was in good hands. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with her and look forward to more meetings. Lindsay’s authenticity and kindness is genuine and I would happily recommend her to my family and friends.

–Natasha, Murrieta, CA

Lindsay’s delivery of messages was gentle and consistent. I resonated deeply with her messages. They were accurate and healing. Her insight felt aligned with aspects of foundational patterns I’ve been working on releasing. 

–Lori, Parksville, BC

Lindsay holds such sacred, compassionate, and respectful space and it's easy to open up to and trust her. My session with Lindsay was full of messages that had perfect divine timing. She immediately intuitively honed in on a challenging dynamic I was having with my dad, something I had been talking through with my husband mere minute before I spoke with her. The information and framing she brought through had an immediate and positive impact on the dynamic as it played out following the session. I felt incredibly blessed to experience the clear channel of her work and I so appreciated the care and thoughtfulness she brings.
–Laura, CA

I can’t recommend Lindsay enough! Her presence is so comforting and helped me to deeply relax. The combination of Reiki and mediumship was perfect, I was feeling open and at peace to receive the guidance from my loved one. And the messages were exactly what I needed to hear.

–Meghan R, Los Angeles, CA